"We should not be a country, either, which gives the impression to the outside world that those who don't speak English immediately, or who weren't raised speaking English, are not welcome here. That would do great damage to our country. Companies will go elsewhere because they won't find the people to work here anymore...that means the demand for integration is one of our key tasks for times to come."
The demand for integration. The call for immigrants to learn the native language. Imagine if the President of the US, or any other high ranking political figure, were to say that. Would people nod their heads in agreement? Hardly. Instead, we would have at best millions of protesters and at worse immigrant riots in the streets. The last time the government considered making illegal immigration a federal offense (being, oh, an illegal activity and all) we had massive immigrant "rights" protests. Anybody remember how well the "hispanic community" took Proposition 187? The bill blocked illegal immigrants from using California taxpayer funded programs like public schooling, cash assistance, and non-emergency health care. Thousands and thousands of people marched in the streets in protest, waving Mexican flags, carrying signs in Spanish, crying out that they had "rights". Why should we take them seriously? When you break a nation's laws, when you enter it illegally, when you remain outside the system by not being a legal member of it and still demand the "right" to that system's benefits, why should we listen to you?
Replace all the word "English" in the above quotation with the word "German", and you'll have part of an official address given by German Chancellor Angela Merckel. Germany, one of the strongest economies and most liberal societies in Western Europe, has tried for decades to have a "multikulti" system. Such a system, which evolved out of the German progressive movement in the 1970-80's, attempts to foster a public policy approach that seamlessly blends domestic and foreign cultures into one multicultural entity. Despite the appeal of the idea, multikulti has failed, and it has failed miserably.
Sweden is both the poster child for blatant socialism in Western Europe and the failure of its own multikulti attempts. Immigration is hurting the once proud welfare state because the people it attracts refuse to integrate. There are parts of Sweden, like parts of the US, where the residents speak Arabic (or Spanish) instead of Swedish (or English). Unemployment in heavily immigrant sections of the country have reached nearly 50%. Public schools teach Arabic so the natives can speak with the immigrants. The city of Malmo, Sweden's third largest, has the most immigrants per capita (over 30%). Violent crime, rape, assault, and robbery are everyday occurrences for the residents. Immigrant gangs have even openly admitted to waging war on native Swedes.
The Muslim factor is a glaring one here, but I'm going to forgo it for a more important angle. The situation Europe is facing with its immigration problem is, in some ways, similar to the one the United States is beginning to face.
The problem with both immigration situations is twofold. First, the majority of immigrants are crossing the borders illegally. Here in America if you are against illegal immigration you are immediately branded as someone who is against immigration. You're probably then very loudly reminded that we are a "nation of immigrants" and that America was built by immigrants. Not only is this a terribly false accusation, but the two ensuing statements are inaccurate. You can be pro-immigration while being anti-illegal immigration. Immigration and illegal immigration are not mutually inclusive. We are also not a nation of immigrants; we are a nation of Americans, most of whom are native born. Our country was not built by immigrants; while the vast majority of our expansion and growth was done during periods of high immigration, the foundation and framework of our nation was created by people who were born here on American soil.
Second, and perhaps most important, the vast majority of immigrants refuse to either integrate or assimilate. In Europe, Arabic/Muslim immigrants will move to Western Europe nations, enjoy the benefits of the socialist welfare systems, and demand jobs (especially in places like France, where jobs are all but guaranteed for life)...but they keep their old customs, resist learning the native language, and refuse to accept native dress, customs, and courtesies. These immigrants want all the benefits of their new social infrastructure while maintaining their old image. The same thing is happening in the US. Hispanics, not Muslims, are flooding across the porous border and refusing to assimilate. They keep Hispanic culture alive. They send money back home. They commit identity theft (using other people's social security number) to get jobs. They replace the American flag with the Mexican flag or fly the Mexican flag over the American flag. And, most visibly of all, they continue to speak and teach their children Spanish because they can do so without obstacle. Count the number of pure Spanish (and even pure Hispanic) television channels, radio stations, and books you can find. Ever notice just how many places, businesses, and companies with interactive services include the phrase "Se habla Espanol"? Even children's shows, like Dora the Explorer, feature Hispanic characters who teach our newest generation the basics of Spanish phrases.
Language is the make-or-break factor when it comes to immigration and assimilation. It's is the hallmark aspect of a people and the defining characteristic of a culture. When you learn a language in college, what good are your studies if you don't experience the culture? When learning about a culture, how far can you get without learning a bit of or about the language?
27 states have made English their official language. Among them, surprisingly, is California. Article III, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of California says that
"English is the common language of the people of the United States of America and the State of California. This section is intended to preserve, protect, and strengthen the English language..."
As of May 11, 2010, 87% of Americans believe English should be made the official language of our country. I agree with them. The English language is an incredibly important component of not only our American identity, but our American culture. True, we have a history of massive and generally positive immigration, but those immigrants came to our shores because they wanted to become American- not simply because they wanted to come to America. Ever wonder why the Irish, and not the Italians or the Germans, became the quickest group integrated into the police forces in New England? It's because they already spoke the language.
To allow the numbers of illegal immigrants to continue to rise is both dangerous to our future and disrespectful to our culture. We're told by society's elites to accept other cultures, and more importantly, to tolerate and respect them. Where's the tolerance for the American culture? Where's the respect for the English language heritage? Where's the acceptance of the the idea that the native language should reign supreme within our borders? Why is it that to decry the spread of Spanish in America, Turkish in Germany, or Arabic in Sweden will illicit cries of "racism!" and "intolerance!" from the liberals and multikulti supporters?
To those who want to immigrate to America, I remind you that our nation is always open- I just ask that you leave your hypocrisy at the door. Come here the right way. Do things legally. Honor the legacy of those who have come before you and the hard work of those who are here of the proper accord. Don't come here for the free meal and the free education and refuse to truly become an American. Why should I respect your cultural heritage, your customs, and your language when you refuse to respect mine?
To those who are already here, and are Americans, I ask that you stop empowering the people who ignore our laws and defile our culture. Don't fall for the arguments that illegal immigrants have the "right" to vote, receive drivers' licenses, enroll in our public schools, receive public benefits, steal social security numbers to lie their way to employment, or to fly their flag in protest of our laws.
And if it's "too hard" to immigrate legally, and that is a valid complaint, then let's work on fixing our immigration system instead of simply turning a blind eye to people who flagrantly disobey it. Joining the greatest club in the history of the world has only one real requirement- that membership be granted the right way. Once that's accomplished, the sky really is the limit.